Sunday 31 March 2013

Hi readers

Hi readers

I just want to apologise for my lack of posting over recent weeks. I have been doing a great deal of writing but with exams coming up, most of my energy is focused on those. So I will try to keep posting but I can't promise.

Hope you understand.

Monday 25 February 2013

Hi, and welcome to my blog! I just want to take a moment of your time to explain the name which I have no doubt will be puzzling you. After a week of wracking my brains for inspiration (a contradiction I know) I came up with An Auld Quair. I wanted to encompass three things: history, the creative writing aspect and its being Scottish. Therefore 'Auld' refers to the history aspect (and the Scottish aspect) and a 'Quair' is a Scottish word for book. Credit where credit's due: A Scots Quair (inspiration for the Quair part) by Lewis Grassic Gibbon is my all-time favourite book.

I know by now you're probably bored stiff of my pointless wittering but I should probably tell you a little about my writing. As a child, I couldn't decide between English and history so, being an intelligent (though some question this) little girl, I chose both and well, here we are. My stories are generally set in Scotland but there are a few set in England or Germany, for example. I try to make my stories as accurate as possible but of course, a completely accurate book story would be a text book. I will try to provide a brief overview of any period I am writing about but I can't promise that it will be brief (my friends will tell you that I can go on a bit but you can probably tell this already!)

Anyway, I'll go now. Enjoy!